Tea polyphenols prevent lung from preneoplastic lesions and effect p53 and bcl-2 gene expression in rat lung tissuesIran's Nuclear Program: Will Oil Ties Prevent China from Backing Tough Iran Sanctions?Pagcor's 'Last 2' Has Safeguards to Prevent Minors from Betting[What is needed to prevent defaulting from tuberculosis treatment?]Do US Property Concepts Prevent VARA from Implementing the Berne ConventionMaintenance of HVAC-systems and components: How to prevent pollution from HVAC-systems?Game-based interaction technology for informal education in public settings: Copyright restrictions prevent ACM from providing the f...If parents establish a no-smoking agreement with their offspring, does this prevent adolescents from smoking? Findings from three Du...How to prevent tourists from canceling when a disaster hits the destination: promising measures, crisis-resistant target segment an...Nå av da (Now by Then):Copyright restrictions prevent ACM from providing the full text for this work.