(P-)虔诚派,虔诚主义; 虔敬,虔诚;
pietism[ 'paiətizəm ]
- n.
- 17th and 18th-century German movement in the Lutheran Church stressing personal piety and devotion
- exaggerated or affected piety and religious zeal
PietismPietismPietismPURITANISM, PIETISM, AND SCIENCEPietism and the making of eighteenth-century PrussiaThe rise of evangelical pietismPietism and Science: A Critique of Robert K. Merton's HypothesisOn Kings, Pietism and Rent-Seeking in Scandinavian Welfare StatesOn Kings, Pietism and Rent-seeking in Scandinavian Welfare StatesActa SociologicaPiety, Pietism and German pietism: "Sefer Ḥasidim i"and the Influence of Ḥasidei AshkenazThe Fallacy of the Latest Word: The Case of "Pietism and Science"The Sorokin-Merton Correspondence on “Puritanism, Pietism and Science,” 1933–34Consuming Islam: Commodified religion and aspirational pietism in contemporary Indonesia