英 ['fləʊstəʊn]
美 ['floʊˌstoʊn]
- Flowstones are composed of sheetlike deposits of calcite formed where water flows down the walls or along the floors of a cave. They are typically found in "solution", or limestone, caves, where they are the most common speleothem.
Recent flowstone growth rates: Field measurements in comparison to theoretical predictions
Contemporary flowstone development links early hominin bearing cave deposits in South Africa
Reconstructing palaeoprecipitation from an active cave flowstone
U-Series dates for stalagmitic flowstone E (Riss/Würm interglaciation) at Grotte du Lazaret, Nice, France
Paleoclimate implications of mass spectrometric dating of a British flowstone
Cryogenic fracturing of calcite flowstone in caves: theoretical considerations and field observations in Kents Cavern, Devon, UK
Trace element and stable isotope data from a flowstone in a natural cave of the mining district of SW Sardinia (Italy): evidence for...
Late Holocene drought responsible for the collapse of Old World civilizations is recorded in an Italian cave flowstone
Investigations on the old variations of the climate and solar activity by a new method - LLMZA of cave flowstone from Bulgaria 1989
Recent flowstone growth rates: Field measurements in comparison to theoretical predictions
Contemporary flowstone development links early hominin bearing cave deposits in South Africa
Reconstructing palaeoprecipitation from an active cave flowstone
U-Series dates for stalagmitic flowstone E (Riss/Würm interglaciation) at Grotte du Lazaret, Nice, France
Paleoclimate implications of mass spectrometric dating of a British flowstone
Cryogenic fracturing of calcite flowstone in caves: theoretical considerations and field observations in Kents Cavern, Devon, UK
Trace element and stable isotope data from a flowstone in a natural cave of the mining district of SW Sardinia (Italy): evidence for...
Late Holocene drought responsible for the collapse of Old World civilizations is recorded in an Italian cave flowstone
Investigations on the old variations of the climate and solar activity by a new method - LLMZA of cave flowstone from Bulgaria 1989