英 ['fləʊʃi:t]
美 ['floʊʃit]
process flowsheet工艺流程图;生产流程图
Real-time event charting in an electronic flowsheet
Collapsible flowsheet for displaying patient information in an electronic medical record
Development of a flowsheet for iodine–sulfur thermo-chemical cycle based on optimized Bunsen reaction
Homogeneous azeotropic distillation: separability and flowsheet synthesis
Simulation of CO 2 capture using MEA scrubbing: a flowsheet decomposition method
Development and implementation of a new flowsheet for the flotation of a low grade nickel ore
An algorithm for the use of surrogate models in modular flowsheet optimization
Validity and Reliability of the CAM-ICU Flowsheet to diagnose delirium in surgical ICU patients ☆
An integrated approach for dynamic flowsheet modeling and sensitivity analysis of a continuous tablet manufacturing process
Real-time event charting in an electronic flowsheet
Collapsible flowsheet for displaying patient information in an electronic medical record
Development of a flowsheet for iodine–sulfur thermo-chemical cycle based on optimized Bunsen reaction
Homogeneous azeotropic distillation: separability and flowsheet synthesis
Simulation of CO 2 capture using MEA scrubbing: a flowsheet decomposition method
Development and implementation of a new flowsheet for the flotation of a low grade nickel ore
An algorithm for the use of surrogate models in modular flowsheet optimization
Validity and Reliability of the CAM-ICU Flowsheet to diagnose delirium in surgical ICU patients ☆
An integrated approach for dynamic flowsheet modeling and sensitivity analysis of a continuous tablet manufacturing process