[人名] [苏格兰人、英格兰人姓氏] 普林格尔住所名称,来源于中世纪英语,含义是“围起的河谷”(enclosed valley)+古诺斯语人名,含义是“钉,桩+峡谷”(pin,peg+narrow valley,ravine);[地名] [美国] 普林格尔;
- Pringle is a Scottish surname.
Additional modules for versatile and economical PCR-based gene deletion and modification in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Heterologous modules for efficient and versatile PCR‐based gene targeting in Schizosaccharomyces pombeGenetic Control of the Cell Division Cycle in YeastThe Molecular and cellular biology of the yeast saccharomycesAccretion Discs in Astrophysics[40] Immunofluorescence methods for yeastSystolic blood pressure variability as a risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular mortality in the elderly hypertensive population.Using genomic data to unravel the root of the placental mammal phylogeny.NOTES ON THE ARREST OF HEPATIC HEMORRHAGE DUE TO TRAUMAStaining of actin with fluorochrome-conjugated phalloidin