英 [prəʊ'drɒmɪk]
美 [proʊ'drɒmɪk]
- adj.symptomatic of the onset of an attack or a disease
[Prodromic aspects of schizophrenia][Prodromic fit of laughter and prerolandic tumor].In sensu non in situ: the prodromic cognitivism of KussmaulStudy on prodromic responses and method for warning acceleration induced loss of consciousness[EEG anomalies in the prodromic phase of Rasmussen's syndrome. Report of two cases][Self-experienced vulnerability, prodromic symptoms and coping strategies before schizophrenic and affective episodes]The Poverty of Ãcriture and the Craft of Writing: Towards a Reappraisal of the Prodromic Poems *Reliability study of the translation into Spanish of the PRIME Screen Questionnaire for Prodromic Symtoms.[Schizophrenia in primary health care centers: the SASPE study (alert signs and prodromic symptoms of schizophrenia in primary healt...Function and redox state of peritoneal leukocytes as preclinical and prodromic markers in a longitudinal study of triple-transgenic ...