

英 [prəɡ'resɪŋ]
美 [prəɡ'resɪŋ]


  • v.

    (使)进步, (使)进行( progress的现在分词 );改进;进展;(时间上)推移

  • 英英释义

    progress[ 'prəuɡres, 'prɔ-, prəu'ɡres ]

    • n.
      • gradual improvement or growth or development

        "great progress in the arts"


      • the act of moving forward toward a goal

        同义词:progressionprocessionadvanceadvancementforward motiononward motion

      • a movement forward

        "he listened for the progress of the troops"


    • v.
      • develop in a positive way

        "He progressed well in school"

        同义词:come oncome alongadvanceget onget alongshape up

      • move forward, also in the metaphorical sense

        同义词:advancepass onmove onmarch ongo on

      • form or accumulate steadily

        同义词:build upwork upbuild



    progress in在…有进展

    economic progress经济发展;经济进步

    social progress社会进步

    in progress正在进行;在发展中

    scientific progress科学进展

    make progress取得进展;前进

    technical progress技术进步

    technological progress技术进步

    construction progress施工进度

    made progress大有长进

    make progress in在…方面取得进步,取得进展

    continuous progress连续进度

    progress bar进度条;进度指示器

    work in progress在制品;过程进行中的工作

    progress toward向…前进

    progress report进度报告

    progress control进度控制;进度管理

    work progress施工过程;工程进度

    material progress物质文明

    make progress with在……方面取得进步;在……方面取得进展



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    Velcade: U.S. FDA approval for the treatment of multiple myeloma progressing on prior therapy.
    Ixabepilone Plus Capecitabine for Metastatic Breast Cancer Progressing After Anthracycline and Taxane Treatment
    Sequential development of an angiogenic phenotype by human fibroblasts progressing to tumorigenicity
    Sequential development of an angiogenic phenotype by human fibroblasts progressing to tumorigenicity
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