- n.indulging in promiscuous (casual and indiscriminate) sexual relations
同义词:promiscuitysleeping around
Social-sexual interactions? Meta-analyses of sex differences in perceptions of flirtatiousness, seductiveness, and promiscuousness.SEROEPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIES OF HERPESVIRUS TYPE 2 AND CARCINOMA OF THE CERVIX. III. HOUSTON, TEXASLabour Geography: A Work in ProgressFunctional and evolutionary insights into vertebrate kisspeptin systems from studies of fish brainPredicting Meiotic Pathways in Human Fetal Oogenesis1Structural modelling of the human drug-metabolizing cytochromes P450The role of AtNUDT7, a Nudix hydrolase, in the plant defense response.Presence of Enterocytozoon bieneusi associated with intestinal coccidia in patients with chronic diarrhea visiting an HIV center in ...Antibodies to herpesvirus type 2 in breast cancer and cervical cancer patientsInduced differentiation of acute myeloid leukemia cells by activation of retinoid X and liver X receptors.