

英 ['prɒpəgəbl]
美 ['prɒpəgəbəl]


  • adj.


  • 学习《propagable》怎么用


    Cell types in long-term propagable cultures of rat liver.
    Cvs de alcachofa propagable por semilla, respuesta al ácido giberélico
    Learning a Propagable Graph for Semisupervised Learning: Classification and Regression
    Establishment of propagable epithelial cell lines from normal adult rat pancreas.
    Learning a Propagable Graph for Classification under the Scenario with Uncertain Labels
    Innovative and propagable translational research model established for cell-based therapy at Chinese PLA General Hospital
    A Literature Survey on Learning a Propagable Graph for Classification under the Scenario with Uncertain Labels
    Neoplastic transformation of propagable cultured rat pancreatic duct epithelial cells by azaserine and streptozotocin
    Genotoxicity of pancreatic chemical carcinogens to propagable cultured normal pancreatic epithelial cells
    Isolation and characterization of propagable cell lines (HUNC) from the androgen-sensitive Dunning R3327H rat prostatic adenocarcinoma