


  • adj.

    自豪的( proud的最高级 );骄傲的;有自尊心的;秀丽的

  • 双语释义

    1. 骄傲的,傲慢的,妄自尊大的 having too high an opinion of oneself and one's own importance
    2. 自豪的,得意的 having, expressing, or causing personal satisfaction and; pleasure in sth connected with oneself



    用作形容词 (adj.)
    • proud day令人骄傲的日子
    • proud moment自豪的时刻
    • proud parents自豪的父母
    • proud owners得意洋洋的主人
    • proud university名牌大学
    • rather proud非常自豪
    • too proud太骄傲
    • childishly proud of幼稚地对…感到自豪
    • foolishly proud of很愚蠢地对…感到骄傲
    • justifiably proud of正当地以…为自豪
    • proud to admit骄傲得不肯承认
    • proud to ask for help自尊心太强,从不求助于人
    • proud to ask question骄傲得总不提问
    • proud to know sb认识某人感到荣幸
    • proud to see mistake骄傲得看不到错误
    • proud to tell自豪地告诉
    • do sb proud满意极了
    • proud about因…而骄傲
    • proud of对…感到光荣,以…自豪,夸耀
    • proud of children为孩子们而自豪
    • proud of sb's friendship因某人的友谊而自豪


    1. If your father had still been alive, he would have felt very proud of you.
    2. It was a proud day for us when we won the trophy.
    3. They are poor but proud.
    4. He's too proud to speak to poor people like us.
    5. The sunflowers stretched tall and proud to the sun.


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