英 ['səʊ]
美 ['soʊ]
腰肌( psoas的名词复数 );
De psoitide, seu inflammatione musculi psoae : diss. inaug., unacum adiectis thesibusMultiway Decision Graphs for Automated Hardware VerificationSoil-pile-bridge seismic interaction: Kinematic and inertial effects .1. Soft soilSynthetic molecule containing a plurality of distinct epitopes, preparation process and its use in the production of polyvaccinesL'adaptation des structures de production aux exigences des industrielsACTIVE NOISE CONTROL ALGORITHM USING IIR-BASED FILTERLindblom on Silivs Italicvs In Silii Italici Punica Quaestiones scripsit A. T. Lindblom. Upsaliae MCMVIConhnue omo ng-uisease Links To Lack ScientiFic ProofJones' Superlative and. Diamond Medal Flour,:pt 14. i896-THE PITTSBURGH BULLFROG MININGCOR- P- O- R- ATION, Ltd. CAPITAL, Divided into t,000, 000 shares of the par value of SI.OO each. Full...