英 [ˌsaɪkæs'θi:nɪə]
美 [ˌsaɪkæs'θinɪr]
Psychasthenia.Psychasthenia.Psychasthenia.Mimicry and Legendary PsychastheniaJanet'sObsessions and Psychasthenia: A synopsisJanet's Obsessions and Psychasthenia: a synopsis.A Multiphasic Personality Schedule (Minnesota): IV. Psychasthenia.The repression response to implied failure as a function of the hysteria-psychasthenia index.THE PSYCHO-NEUROSES: PSYCHASTHENIA, NEURASTHENIA AND HYSTERIA, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO A CERTAIN METHOD OF TREATMENT: A Study of 3...The meaning and clinical validity of the Taylor anxiety scale and the hysteria-psychasthenia scales from the MMPI.Associating Embedded Figures Test Performance with extreme hysteria and psychasthenia MMPI scores in a psychiatric populationClaire, Lise, Jean, Nadia, and Gisèle: preliminary notes towards a characterisation of Pierre Janet's psychastheniaInverse correlation between morning plasma cortisol levels and MMPI psychasthenia and depression scale scores in victims of mobbing ...