[医] 下垂的,上睑下垂的;
[Fixation of a ptotic kidney using lyophilised dura strips].The hypoplastic and ptotic breast: a combined operation with prosthetic augmentationApparatus and method for surgical correction of ptotic breastsAugmentation in ptotic and densely glandular breasts: prevention, treatment, and classification of double-bubble deformitySubcutaneous mastectomy in small, large, or ptotic breasts with immediate submuscular placement of implantsSimultaneous mastopexy and augmentation for correction of the small, ptotic breast.Technique for subcutaneous mastectomy and immediate reconstruction in the ptotic breastTransaxillary subpectoral augmentation in the ptotic breast: augmentation by disruption of the extended pectoral fascia and parenchy...Complete one-stage, immediate breast reconstruction with prosthetic material in patients with large or ptotic breasts.Skin/nipple sparing mastectomies and implant-based breast reconstruction in patients with large and ptotic breast: oncological and r...