

英 [pʌmpɪŋ]
美 [pʌmpɪŋ]


  • n.


  • v.

    用抽水机汲水( pump的现在分词 );给…打气;用泵(或泵样器官等)输送;涌出

  • 英英释义

    pump[ 'pʌmpiŋ ]

    • n.
      • a mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction
      • the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body


      • a low-cut shoe without fastenings
    • v.
      • operate like a pump; move up and down, like a handle or a pedal

        "pump the gas pedal"

      • deliver forth

        "pump bullets into the dummy"

      • draw or pour with a pump
      • supply in great quantities
      • flow intermittently
      • move up and down

        "The athlete pumps weights in the gym"

      • raise (gases or fluids) with a pump
      • question persistently

        "She pumped the witnesses for information"



    pumping unit抽油机;水泵机组

    pumping station(水)泵站;泵房;抽水站

    pumping system抽运系统;泵激系统;泵水系统

    pumping well抽水井,抽水孔;抽油井

    pumping equipment抽水设备;排水设备;泵送设备

    oil pumping n. 抽油;泵油;(活塞环)泵油作用

    pumping rod泵杆,抽油杆

    pumping test抽水试验;扬水试验

    pumping speed抽速;抽运速度,抽运速率

    pumping power抽运功率;泵功率

    pumping out抽空;扬水;排出;泵出

    pumping capacity抽气速度;泵送能力;抽水容量,抽水能力

    optical pumping光抽运;光泵激

    pumping rate抽运率;泵送率

    pumping pressure泵压;泵送压力;泵压力

    oil pumping unit抽油机

    air pumping气举采油;排气泵

    pumping loss泵送损质;泵动损失;泵气损失



    1. She succeeded in pumping the name of the winner out of him.
    2. Her heart was pumping very fast.


    Magnetic heat pumping near room temperature, J. Appl. Phys. 47:3673
    Microorganisms pumping iron: anaerobic microbial iron oxidation and reduction
    Energy-transfer pumping of semiconductor nanocrystals using an epitaxial quantum well.
    Microchannel cooling device with magnetocaloric pumping
    Valley polarization in MoS2 monolayers by optical pumping
    Electroosmotic pumping and electrophoretic separations for miniaturized chemical analysis systems
    The Ca2+-pumping ATPase of heart sarcolemma. Characterization, calmodulin dependence, and partial purification
    Energization of plant cell membranes by H+-pumping ATPases. Regulation and biosynthesis
    Initial clinical experience with intraaortic balloon pumping in cardiogenic shock
    Generating electrospray from microchip devices using electroosmotic pumping
    下一篇:pumping station