学习《put...into operation》怎么用
TheFirstPhaseoftheSRIFIndustrializedBasein"WestArea"HasBeenPutintoOperationChina'sfirsthome-madelargeethyleneunitputintooperationinDaqingLargestChinese-foreignJointVenturePutintoOperationCeziIslandCrudePierPutintoOperationSuccessfullyYANGPUWORLDPETROLEUMBARTERTRADECENTERPUTINTOOPERATIONINCHINA[Design, instalation and to put sth into operation of a laboratorie of irrigation for line of dripping and trasmitters test]Medical device packagers put savings into operation: downgauging, more efficient converting, and automation are among the ways to ta...What Is the Role of the Principal in Curriculum Work? How Do You Put Recommendations Into Operation?Oscillating column reactor for chemical reactions, and method to put it into operationChina's Largest Oil & Gas Mixed-Transmission Project Put into Operation in Kazakstan