- n. [等离子] 等离子体(plasma的复数)
- n.
- colorless watery fluid of blood and lymph containing no cells and in which erythrocytes and leukocytes and platelets are suspended
- a green slightly translucent variety of chalcedony used as a gemstone
- (physical chemistry) a fourth state of matter distinct from solid or liquid or gas and present in stars and fusion reactors; a gas becomes a plasma when it is heated until the atoms lose all their electrons, leaving a highly electrified collection of nuclei and free electrons
"particles in space exist in the form of a plasma"
- colorless watery fluid of blood and lymph containing no cells and in which erythrocytes and leukocytes and platelets are suspended
ECR plasmasECR等离子体
collision plasmas碰撞等离子体
nonideal plasmas弱非理想等离子体
toroidal plasmas环形等离子体
discharge plasmas放电等离子体
plasmas clouds等离子体云
dusty plasmas尘埃等离子体
nonequilibrium plasmas非平衡等离子体
cf plasmascf4等离子体
plasma arc等离子弧,等离子体电弧;电浆弧
plasma spraying等离子喷涂
plasma cutting等离子切割
inductively coupled plasma电感耦合等离子体
plasma membrane 质膜;浆膜(等于cell membrane)
blood plasma血浆;血清;血桨
plasma display等离子体显示(器)
plasma cutting machine等离子切割机
plasma arc welding等离子弧焊;等离子电弧焊接
plasma jet等离子体射流;等离子流
plasma display panel等离子显示板
plasma physics等离子物理
oxygen plasma氧气电浆,氧等离子体
plasma protein n. 血浆蛋白质
plasma generator等离子发生器;等离子发电机;等离子体产生器
plasma cell n. 浆细胞;原生质细胞
plasma welding等离子焊
thermal plasma热等离子体;热电浆
plasma torch电浆炬;等离子体焰炬;等离子体喷枪
seminal plasma精浆;精清
Coldplasmasare closertoroom temperatures.
And onlyrecentlyhave researchersbeenable tomakeplasmasat asteady35to40degrees Celsiusandat atmospheric pressure.
Whattheyare:Imagesarecreatedwhenelectricitypasses throughliquid crystals,aprocessthat preventsscreenburn(aproblemwithplasmas) and alsoreduceswasteheat.
工作原理 :电流穿过液晶产生图像,这个过程可以避免屏幕烧屏(等离子体电视就有这个问题),也减少热量排放。