英 ['pɔɪzə]
美 ['pɔɪzə]
Electrochemical Determination of Glucose Oxidase Using Diphenylamine Sulfonic Acid as a Potential Poiser.Superoxidant poiser for groundwater and soil treatment with in-situ oxidation-reduction and acidity-basicity adjustmentThoughts on Institutional Innovation from a Large Trading Nation to a Great poiserSuperoxidant poiser for groundwater and soil treatment with in-situ oxidation-reduction and acidity-basicity adjustmentMICROCALORIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF ENTHALPIES OF IONIZATION OF BIOLOGICALLY IMPORTANT POISER SOLUTIONSRelazioni degli Ambasciatori Veneti al Senato: Poi ser Antonio GiustinianPsalm 126 : Orientalistische LiteraturzeitungRecruitment, selection, and appointment of teachers in Iowa school systems having enrollment in excess of 700 [microform] /METHOD OF RECTIFICATION OF HUMAN LEUKOCYTIC INTERFERONDéclaration du Roy sur son édict du surhaulsement des monnoyes... de septembre dernier, contenant permission de recevoir toutes mo...