



  • n.

    邮件( post的名词复数 );邮局;邮政;邮递

  • v.

    张贴( post的第三人称单数 );宣布;设岗;邮寄

  • 双语释义

    1. [C]柱,杆,桩 a strong thick upright pole or bar made of wood, metal, etc., fixed into the ground or some other base, especially as a support
    2. [S]终点标志 the finishing place in a race, especially a horse race
    3. [S]邮政 the official system for carrying letters, parcels, etc., from the sender to the receiver
    4. [S]邮件 (a single official collection or delivery of) letters, parcels, etc., sent by this means
    5. [S]投邮的地方 an official place, box, etc., where stamped letters are left for sending
    6. [C]职位 a job
    7. [C]岗位,哨位 a special place of duty, especially on guard or on watch
    1. vt. 张贴; 贴在…上 make public or show by fixing to a wall, board, post, etc.
    2. vt. 宣布,公告 proclaim; inform publicly
    3. vt. 邮寄 take to a post office or put into a collection box for sending
    4. vt. 设岗 put at a post
    5. vt. 委派 … appoint sb to a job or a responsibility



    • n.
      • the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand

        "a soldier manned the entrance post"


      • military installation at which a body of troops is stationed

        "this military post provides an important source of income for the town nearby"; "there is an officer's club on the post"

        同义词:military post

      • a job in an organization

        "he occupied a post in the treasury"


      • an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position

        "he set a row of posts in the ground and strung barbwire between them"

      • United States aviator who in 1933 made the first solo flight around the world (1899-1935)

        同义词:Wiley Post

      • United States female author who wrote a book and a syndicated newspaper column on etiquette (1872-1960)

        同义词:Emily PostEmily Price Post

      • United States manufacturer of breakfast cereals and Postum (1854-1914)

        同义词:C. W. PostCharles William Post

      • any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered

        "is there any post for me?"; "she was opening her post"


      • a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track)

        "a pair of posts marked the goal"


      • the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office

        "in England they call mail `the post'"

        同义词:mailmail servicepostal service

      • the delivery and collection of letters and packages

        "it came by the first post"; "if you hurry you'll catch the post"

    • v.
      • affix in a public place or for public notice

        "post a warning"

      • publicize with, or as if with, a poster

        "I'll post the news on the bulletin board"

      • assign to a post; put into a post

        "The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu"

      • assign to a station


      • display, as of records in sports games
      • enter on a public list
      • transfer (entries) from one account book to another


      • ride Western style and bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting gait
      • mark with a stake


      • put up

        "post a sign"; "post a warning at the dump"

        同义词:put up

      • cause to be directed or transmitted to another place


      • mark or expose as infamous




    用作名词 (n.)
    • put post栽柱子
    • deliver the post投递邮件
    • have the post收到邮件
    • miss the morning the post没赶上早班的邮件
    • send out the post寄发信件
    • abandon post放弃职位,离开岗位
    • accept post接受职位
    • apply for post求职
    • decline post谢绝职位
    • die at post因公殉职
    • fill post任职
    • get a post谋到职务
    • give up post舍弃职位
    • go for post赴任
    • have post of担任…职务
    • hold post坚守岗位,担任职务
    • keep post坚守岗位
    • leave post离开岗位
    • obtain post获得职位
    • occupy post占据职位
    • proceed to post赴任
    • quit post辞去职位
    • relieve post免除职务
    • resign post辞职
    • seek post求职
    • station at post安置哨所
    • stick to post坚守岗位
    • strengthen post加强工作
    • take post of就任…职位
    • take up post担任职务
    • throw away one's post离职
    • vacate post退职
    • the last post末次熄灯号,军队葬礼中的安息号
    • upright post直立柱子
    • free the post免费邮件
    • the next post下一次邮件
    • registered the post挂号邮寄
    • the first post第一班邮件
    • the second post一天中的第二次邮递时间
    • advanced post前哨
    • appointed post被任命的职务
    • better post更好的工作
    • good post好职位
    • high post高级职位
    • important post重要职位
    • key post主要职位
    • vacant post空缺的职位
    • various post各种职位
    • worthless post无用的工作
    • bed post床柱
    • boundary post界桩
    • lamp post灯杆
    • door post门柱
    • starting post起跑标志
    • trading post贸易站
    • winning post终点标志
    • book post书籍邮寄
    • evening post晚班邮件
    • morning post早班邮件
    • parcel post包裹邮寄
    • party post党内职务
    • Army post陆军的职务
    • cabinet post内阁职位
    • command post指挥所
    • listening post监听站
    • observation post观测站
    • subordinate post下级职位
    • at the post在那点上
    • past the post超过终点
    • by post邮寄
    • in the post在邮途中
    • through the post信函方式
    • to the post寄出
    • at post在岗位上,值班
    • on post值勤
    • post as professor教授的职位
    • post in…的职务
    • post of secretary秘书的职位
    用作动词 (v.)
    • post advertisement张贴广告
    • post building贴在楼上
    • post grade张贴成绩单
    • post news张贴消息
    • post notice张贴布告
    • post wall贴在墙上
    • post letter寄信
    • post newspaper邮寄报纸
    • post parcel邮寄包裹
    • post a sentry放哨,设岗
    • post a soldier设一名士兵站岗
    • post guard设岗,布置哨位
    • post clearly清楚地公布
    • post diplomatically外交公告
    • post fully贴得满满地
    • post intermittently断断续续地张贴
    • post ostentatiously招摇地宣称
    • post periodically定期公布
    • post permanently永久公告
    • post publicly公开地宣布
    • post secretly秘密地公布
    • post strategically有策略地宣布
    • post thoroughly详尽地公告
    • post over贴满
    • post up notice贴布告
    • post oneself up in熟悉,通晓
    • post regularly定期邮寄
    • post upstairs匆匆地上楼
    • post off匆匆出发
    • post along沿…列出
    • post at offices张贴在办公室
    • post on〔upon〕贴在…
    • post to把…寄到…
    • post with以…贴
    • post by以…方式寄
    • post from从…邮寄
    • post in在…邮寄


    post office n. 邮局

    by post以写信的方式

    washington post华盛顿邮报

    high post高位;外侧应;高级职位

    post processing后置处理;后加工(错后处理,后部工艺)

    china post英文中国邮报

    post treatment后处理;处理后

    parcel post邮政包裹;包裹邮递

    post graduate研究生

    post production后期制作

    first post头遍熄灯号

    ex post依据过去经济发展情形分析的

    new york post纽约邮报

    command post[军]指挥所,战地指挥所

    post card n. 明信片

    lamp post灯柱,灯杆

    post up张贴于

    trading post n. 商栈;交易站

    post code邮编

    south china morning post南华早报



    1. He has no qualifications for the post.
    2. Your duties include checking and dispatching the posts.
    3. He struggled to run towards the winning post.
    1. I would be quite grateful if you would post this letter.
    2. Will you please keep us posted for this accident?
    3. Advertisements have been posted up everywhere announcing the new show.
    4. After several years in London, he was posted to the embassy in Moscow.
    5. He was here on business, so he had to post instead of travelling around leisurely.
    1. She went post to the bank and cashed the cheque.


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