中国传统文化敦煌英语手抄报图片 英文版手抄报|中国传统文化

出处:老师板报网 时间:2024-10-23

中国传统文化敦煌英语手抄报图片 英文版手抄报|中国传统文化

  Dun Huang is a oasis in Norhwest Chinas desert.It's renowmed forits num erus natural and cultualheritages.

  Aocontng to the old legend,in3s6 AD the monk Le Zun passedDunhuang wnich was sundden bercome with golden lights,as ifens of thousands of Buddhas hadshowm their presence to the como0!beople. The monk hired workers todig grottoes ,and build Buddhastatues on the cliff to worshipthe Buddha.

  hom the renowmed Miogoo rottoa UNEscO wbrld Heritage Siteboasting fich callectians of Buddhistartwork-to the Grescent Sping1 cresoent-shated lake sumoundeby giant sand dunes Chinesepeople are familiar withDunhuang`s magnificent beauty

  And by god, all gods, in fact .itspreservation is important.Do you kow amy othertraditional Chinese culture?

  Dunhuang is an oasis in Northwest China's desert. 敦煌是中国西北部沙漠中的绿洲。 Since the 2nd century BC, Dunhuang had been a crucial stopover for Western and oriental merchants who search for trade and business. 自公元前 2 世纪以来,敦煌一直是西方和东方商人寻找贸易和商业的重要中转站。 According to the old legend, in 366 AD the monk Lè Zūn passed Dunhuang which was suddenly overcome with golden lights, as if tens of thousands of Buddhas had shown their presence to the common people. 根据古老的传说,在公元366年让祖恩经过敦煌,顿时金光闪闪,仿佛有成千上万的佛在向世人显现。 The monk hired workers to dig grottoes and build Buddha statues on the cliff to worship the Buddha. 和尚雇工人挖石窟,在悬崖上建造佛像,以供奉佛像。 This is what we called the Mogao Grottoes. 这就是我们所说的莫高窟。 The Mogao Grottoes span 1,600 metres and include 492 grottoes with 2,100 painted Buddha figures and murals covering 45,000 square metres. 莫高窟全长1600 米,包括 492 个石窟, 2100 个彩绘佛像和壁画覆盖 45000 平方米。 The work on the Mogao Grottoes lasted 1,500 years and reflected the development of Buddhism in China. 莫高窟历时1500年修建而成,反映了佛教在中国的发展。 Dunhuang is a marvellous place where natural wonders and ancient art enchants each other's beauty. 敦煌是一个神奇的地方,自然奇观与古代艺术相互交融。 Now Dunhuang is considered to be one of the most interesting places in China where overseas travelers must visit. 如今,敦煌被认为是中国最有趣的地方之一,海外游客必去。
