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Apically Apiculate顶部具细尖
Apically Obtuse顶部钝
Apically Beaked顶部具喙
Apically Undulate顶部波状
Apically Glabrous顶部无毛
Bowed Apically鞠躬顶部
Apically Contracted顶部收缩
Apically Dentate顶部具牙齿
Apically Villous具长柔毛
Pedicelca.13cm at fruiting, onlyapicallysparselysetose.
Differentiationoftheepitheliabegins in the basalturn andextendsapicallyascochlearduct coils.
Apically extruded debris with reciprocating single-file and full-sequence rotary instrumentation systems.Factors affecting shoot development in apically dominant Acer cultivars in vitro.Uncovering labially impacted teeth: apically positioned flap and closed-eruption techniques.A comparison of weights of debris extruded apically by conventional filing and Canal Master techniques.Drosophila wingless and Pair-Rule Transcripts Localize Apically by Dynein-Mediated Transport of RNA ParticlesCalcium-selective ion channel, CaT1, is apically localized in gastrointestinal tract epithelia and is aberrantly expressed in human ...Amplitudes, durations, and timings of apically directed left ventricular myocardial velocities: I. Their normal pattern and coupling...Amplitudes, durations, and timings of apically directed left ventricular myocardial velocities: II. Systolic and diastolic asynchron...Notochord-derived Shh concentrates in close association with the apically positioned basal body in neural target cells and forms a d...The use of surfactants to enhance the permeability of peptides through Caco-2 cells by inhibition of an apically polarized efflux sy...