

英 [flægd]

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  • adj.


  • 英英释义

    flag[ flæɡd ]

    • n.
      • emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design
      • plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals

        同义词:irisfleur-de-lissword lily

      • a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device

        同义词:signal flag

      • a listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the editorial page) that gives the name of the publication and the names of the editorial staff, etc.


      • flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green


      • stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones


      • a conspicuously marked or shaped tail
    • v.
      • communicate or signal with a flag
      • provide with a flag
      • droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness


      • decorate with flags

        "the building was flagged for the holiday"

      • become less intense

        同义词:ease upease offslacken off



    red flag n. 红旗;危险信号;[喻]惹人生气的事物

    national flag n. 国旗

    white flag白旗(表示投降);降旗

    under the flag of受…保护,站在…一边

    yellow flag黄色旗;检疫旗;[植]黄菖蒲

    blue flag蓝旗;蓝菖蒲;蓝鸢尾

    flag of truce白旗,休战旗

    flag day n. 美国国旗纪念日(六月十四日)

    flag state船旗国;标记状态

    with flags flying得胜地,征服者似的,得意洋洋地

    flag of distress求救旗号

    show the flag [ 口语] , ◎(英国船只)打着英国皇家海军旗帜到外国港口巡视访问;显示军事力量 , ◎露面,亮相

    hoist the flag升旗表示占领新发现的土地

    keep the flag flying ◎[口语]不屈服,坚持战斗;继续坚持自己的意见(或想法) , ◎(尤指在国外时)为自己的国家感到自豪

    flag down打信号使停下

    flag pole旗杆

    black flag黑旗(表示囚犯已被处决);海盗旗;黑旗令(赛车可能有故障)

    quarantine flag n. 黄色检疫旗(表示船上未发生疾病的旗帜)

    flag of convenience方便旗(指商船为逃税而向别国注册并挂该国旗帜)

    wave the flag激起爱国热情



    1. A hitchhiker flagged me down on the highway.
    2. A policeman flagged down the car with his flash light.
    3. All the surnames in the list have been specially flagged so that the computer can print them out easily.
    4. The streets were flagged to celebrate the royal wedding.


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