英 [kəʊ'θɜ:n]
美 [koʊ'θɜn]
CothurniaOn a New Species of CothurniaA revision of Cothurnia (Ciliophora: Peritrichida) and its morphological relativesStudies on Loricate Ciliophora. I. Cothurnia variabilis KellicottThe larva of Dicterias cothurnata (Foerster, 1906) (Zygoptera: Dicteriastidae)Toxic metabolites of Amanita pantherina, A. cothurnata, A. muscaria and other Amanita species.New records of Thecacineta cothurnioides and Trematosoma rotunda (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts on nematodes from the Indian Oc...A New Protozoan of the Genus Cothurnia (Ciliophora, Peritrichia), Epibiont on the Marine Tanaid Halmyrapseudes spaansi (Crustacea ...Crustecdysone initiated metamorphosis of the peritrichous ciliate Cothurnia variabilis , a commensal on the gills of the crayfish Pa...First records of epibiont ciliates Loricophrya bosporica (Suctoria) and Cothurnia sp. (Peritrichia) from methane enriched sediments...