英 [ˌdɪskən'fɜ:mɪtɪ]
美 [ˌdɪskən'fɜmətɪ]
DisconformitydisconformityDoes Disconformity in State Corporate Income Tax Systems Affect Compliance Cost Burdens?Origin of disconformity dedolomite in the martin formation (Late Devonian, Northern Arizona)Conforming Disconformity: “Mestizaje,” Hybridity, and the Aesthetics of Mexican NationalismMethod and apparatus for testing timbers for disconformity or decayON THE SEISMITE AND SEISMODISCONFORMITY──TAKE THE W. HUNAN AND W. YUNNAN REGIONS AS AN EXAMPLEThe Boring Trypanites at the Silurian-Devonian Disconformity in Southern OntarioThe Middle–Late Jurassic forced regression and disconformity in central Portugal: eustatic, tectonic and climatic effects on a carb...Trypanites ichnofacies: Palaeoenvironmental and tectonic implications. A case study from the Miocene disconformity at Foz da Fonte (...