- adj.【语音学】调位的,调素的
Tonemic-Intonemic Correlation in Mazahua (Otomi)Tonemic Substitution in Ekwulobia Igbo: A Descriptive AccountPitch Accent and Tonemic Juncture in ScandinavianA Comparison of Two Mixtec Tonemic SystemsA Study on the Tonemic Patterns and their Pitch Forms of Jinsang Dialect, Gwangyang CityPhonetic Similarity in Tonemic Analysis with Notes on the Tone System of Akwapim TwiPreliminaries to Tonemic and Tonomechanical Analysis for the Chalcatongo Dialect of MixtecA Comparison of Samcheok Dialect Tonemic System with Uljin and Changweon Dialect福州方言的聲調系統和變韻 / ON THE TONEMIC SYSTEM AND BIANYUN IN THE FUZHOU DIALECTTone Languages: A Technique for Determining the Number and Type of Pitch Contrasts in a Language, with Studies in Tonemic Substituti...