《book keeping》是什么意思
book keeping [ 'buk,ki:piŋ ]
- n.the activity of recording business transactions
学习《book keeping》怎么用
double-entry bookkeeping复式簿记
Book-keepingBook-keepingBOOK KEEPINGBookkeeping and accounting systemThe CMS dataset bookkeeping serviceSCIENTIFIC BOOKKEEPING AND THE RISE OF CAPITALISMDouble-Entry Bookkeeping and the Birth of Capitalism: Accounting for the Commercial Revolution in Medieval Northern ItalyThe historical significance of double-entry bookkeeping: Some non-Sombartian claimsConfession and Bookkeeping: The Religious, Moral, and Rhetorical Roots of Modern AccountingMOMENTUM ACCOUNTING AND TRIPLE-ENTRY BOOKKEEPING: EXPLORING THE DYNAMIC STRUCTURE OF ACCOUNTING MEASUREMENTSIncremental Reasoning in OWL EL without BookkeepingA Framework for Triple-Entry BookkeepingTriple-Entry Bookkeeping and Income Momentum