



  • v.

    解雇( dismiss的现在分词 );(使击球员或球队)退场;使退去;驳回

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 解雇; 撤职; 开除 send away from one's employment, from service
    2. vt. 使退去; 解散 allow to go
    3. vt. 自心中摒除,不再考虑或谈论 put away from the mind; stop thinking or talking about



    • v.
      • bar from attention or consideration

        "She dismissed his advances"

        同义词:disregardbrush asidebrush offdiscountpush asideignore

      • cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration

        "This case is dismissed!"

        同义词:throw out

      • stop associating with

        同义词:send packingsend awaydrop

      • terminate the employment of

        同义词:firegive noticecangive the axesend awaysackforce outgive the sackterminate

      • end one's encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave

        "I was dismissed after I gave my report"

        同义词:usher out

      • declare void




    用作动词 (v.)
    • dismiss the case驳回该案件
    • dismiss a class下课
    • dismiss the court退庭
    • dismiss doubts消除疑虑
    • dismiss an idea摒弃一个主意
    • dismiss the thought打消念头
    • dismiss curtly三言两语地拒绝考虑
    • dismiss disgracefully难堪地打发走
    • dismiss easily容易消除
    • dismiss finally最终解散
    • dismiss instantly立即解散
    • dismiss lightly轻率地拒绝考虑
    • dismiss reluctantly不情愿地解散
    • dismiss safely有把握不予考虑
    • dismiss summarily简单地拒绝考虑
    • dismiss for因…而解雇
    • dismiss sb for being late因迟到而解雇某人
    • dismiss sb for neglect of sb's duty因玩忽职守而免除某人的职务
    • dismiss...from使从…离开,解雇,从…除去
    • dismiss sb from sb's job免职
    • dismiss from one's mind从思想上打消…
    • dismiss sb from sb's post撤某人的职
    • dismiss sb from school开除出校
    • dismiss sth with a shake of one's head摇头表示否决


    dismiss from解雇;开除


    1. If you are late again, you will be dismissed.
    2. Let us dismiss and return in an hour.
    3. We should dismiss all thought of revenge.
    4. The justice dismissed his evidence out of hand.


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    Dismissing-avoidance and the defensive organization of emotion, cognition, and behavior.
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