[人名] 库西;
Anne de Coursey Clapp (1928–2013)Regarding, Kubo, Coursey, Hanson et al., IJROBP 1998; 40:697-702.Courtney Coursey Moreno and Pardeep Kumar Mittal (Eds.), Gastrointestinal imaging: a teaching fileA New Agenda for Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia: Response to Coursey.CINEGLOS: Glosario cinematográfico interactivo by Bridget Franco; Sheila Coursey; Kelsey SmithPENINGKATAN MINAT DAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS V-A DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PKn MELALUI MODEL COURSEY REVIEW HORAY DI SD NEGERI 08 SURAU ...Cherny, V. V., Markin, V. S. & De Coursey, T. E. The voltage-activated hydrogen ion conductance in a rat alveolar epithelial cells i...Anne de Coursey Clapp: Commemorative Landscape Painting in China. (Tang Center Lecture Series.) 176 pp. Princeton: P.Y. and Kinmay W...Do punitive damages promote deterrence? 1 1 We thank Timothy Brennan, Don Coursey, Dorsey Ellis, Ronald King, Gary Miller, seminar p...Yams. An Account of the Nature, Origins, Cultivation and Utilisation of the Useful Members of the Dioscoreaceae. D. G. Coursey. Huma...