



  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    Borrelia[ bə'ri:liə ]

    • n.cause of e.g. European and African relapsing fever



    Borrelia burgdorferi sp. nov.: Etiologic Agent of Lyme Disease
    Genomic sequence of a Lyme disease spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi.
    Induction of an outer surface protein on Borrelia burgdorferi during tick feeding
    Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi DNA by polymerase chain reaction in cerebrospinal fluid in Lyme neuroborreliosis.
    Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi DNA by polymerase chain reaction in synovial fluid from patients with Lyme arthritis.
    Delineation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia garinii sp. nov., and group VS461 associated with Lyme borreliosis.
    Cutting edge: inflammatory signaling by Borrelia burgdorferi lipoproteins is mediated by toll-like receptor 2
    Diversity of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato evidenced by restriction fragment length polymorphism of rrf (5S)-rrl (23S) intergenic ...
    Evaluation of the Intrathecal Antibody Response to Borrelia burgdorferi as a Diagnostic Test for Lyme Neuroborreliosis
    Genomic fingerprinting by arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction resolves Borrelia burgdorferi into three distinct phyletic gr...