[人名] 考特兰;[地名] [美国] 考特兰;
- Courtland is part of the name of several places in the United States:
构建灾害应对护理人员培训体系的研究与实践延吉市中小学生伤害现状及安全教育需求调查Liveral or Restrictive Transfusion in High-Risk Patient after Hip SurgeryThe Next 4 Billion : Market Size and Business Strategy at the Base of the PyramidGenetic architecture of complex traits: large phenotypic effects and pervasive epistasisIGF-1 and Bone: New Discoveries From Mouse ModelsConsistency of condom use for disease prevention among adolescent users of oral contraceptives.Structure-activity relationships for enhancement of adenosine A1 receptor binding by 2-amino-3-benzoylthiophenes.Serum IGF-1 determines skeletal strength by regulating subperiosteal expansion and trait interactions.Genetic randomization reveals functional relationships among morphologic and tissue-quality traits that contribute to bone strength ...