[地名] [新西兰] 托塔拉;
- n.valuable timber tree of New Zealand yielding hard reddish wood used for furniture and bridges and wharves
同义词:Podocarpus totara
MATAI/TOTARA FLOOD PLAIN FORESTS IN SOUTH WESTLANDPROVENANCE VARIATION IN PODOCARPUS TOTARAThe Reproductive Biology of Totara (Podocarpus totara) (Podocarpaceae)Genetic variation in the frost hardiness of Podocarpus totaraCurrent knowledge relevant to management of Podocarpus totara for timber.Water abstraction impacts on the non-migratory galaxiids of Totara CreekPodocarpus totara var. waihoensis var. nov.: the Result of Introgressive Hybridisation between P. totara and P. acutifoliusChemistry of the podocarpaceae—VI ☆ : Constituents of the heartwood of Podocorpus totara g. bennProvenance variation in Podocarpus totara (D. Don): Growth, tree form and wood density on a coastal site in the north of the natural...Hawkins, B.J., Sweet, G.B., Greer, D.H., Bergin, D.O. (1991). Genetic variation in the frost hardiness of Podocarpus totara