底( floor的名词复数 );地面;(车厢内的)底板;议员席
- [C]地面,地板 the surface on which one stands indoors; surface nearest the ground
- [C]楼层 a level of a building
- [C]底 the bottom of the sea, a cave, etc.
- [S]议员席位 the part of a parliament, council building, public meeting place, etc., where those attending sit
- vt. 给…铺地板 provide with a floor
- vt. 把…打倒在地 knock down
- vt. 击败,打败 beat; defeat
floor[ flɔ:z ]
- n.
- the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room or hallway)
"they needed rugs to cover the bare floors"
- a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale
- a lower limit
"the government established a wage floor"
- the ground on which people and animals move about
"the fire spared the forest floor"
- the bottom surface of any a cave or lake etc.
- the occupants of a floor
"the whole floor complained about the lack of heat"
- the parliamentary right to address an assembly
"the chairman granted him the floor"
- the legislative hall where members debate and vote and conduct other business
"there was a motion from the floor"
- a large room in a stock exchange where the trading is done
"he is a floor trader"
同义词:trading floor
- the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room or hallway)
- v.
- surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off
"I was floored when I heard that I was promoted"
同义词:shockstunball overblow out of the watertake aback
- knock down with force
同义词:deckcoldcockdumpknock down
- surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off
- board floor铺地板
- brush a floor刷地
- clean a floor扫地
- clear the floor把地板腾出来
- fall to the floor倒在地板上
- lay floor with在地板上铺…
- sweep a floor扫地
- wash a floor刷洗地板
- ask for the floor要求发言
- get the floor有发言权,取得发言权
- have the floor有发言权,取得发言权
- take the floor发言
- wipe the floor with sb击倒某人
- bare floor光秃秃的地板
- next floor上面一层楼
- the first floor〈英〉二楼,〈美〉一楼
- top floor顶楼
- wooden floor木地板
- basement floor地下室
- bathroomfloor浴室的地面
- brick floor砖铺的地
- earth floor泥地面
- ground floor一楼
- wage floor工资最低标准
- wood floor木地板
- at every floor在每层
- on every floor在每层
- the floor of the House议会
- floor the attacker将进攻者打倒在地
- floor the room给房间铺地板
on the floor在地板上
ground floor底层,基层;第一层楼
first floor[美]一楼;[英]二楼
second floor(美)二楼;(英)三楼
floor space占地面积;建坪;底面积
floor area(货车)底板面积;房屋面积
wood floor木地板
third floor(美)三楼;(英)四楼
top floor顶楼,最高首脑部
wooden floor木质地板
shop floor工作场所;工人
dance floor舞池
floor plan n. 建筑的平面图
floor heating地板供暖
sea floor海床,底床
ocean floor洋底,大洋底;海底
concrete floor混凝土底板
sweep the floor扫地;清洁地面;清扫地板,拖地板
from the floor与会者(如会员、观察员)所作的(发言等)或所提的(问题等)
floor slab楼板;水泥板;地板
- Father asked me to flushed off the garage floor.
父亲让我刷洗一下车库的地面。 - The floor was moist and slippery.
地面潮湿而光滑。 - We put the books in piles on the floor.
我们把书在地板上堆起来。 - Our office is on the first floor.
我们的办公室在一楼。 - On the floor of the basins lie deserts, lakes and swamps.
- We will floor this room with oak.
我们打算用橡木铺地板。 - With Victor's guard down, Jack knocks him to the floor.
由于维克多的戒心松懈,杰克将他击倒在地。 - When you see a police car, don't floor it.
Error floors of LDPC codes
A sticky floors model of promotion, pay, and gender
Changes in gait when anticipating slippery floors
Construction of irregular LDPC codes with low error floors
Substrate limitations to microbial activity in taiga forest floors.
Mechanisms governing UHF propagation on single floors in modern office buildings
The influence of debris flows on channels and valley floors in the Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A
Soil, pH and N availability effects on net nitrification in the forest floors of a range of boreal forest stands.
Dust from carpeted and smooth floors. I. Comparative measurements of antigenic and allergenic proteins in dust vacuumed from carpete...