英 [ɑ:'ki:əsɪt]
美 [ɑ'kiəsɪt]
- Archaeocytes (from Greek archaios "beginning"and kytos "hollow vessel") or amoebocytes are amoeboid cells found in sponges. They are totipotent and have varied functions depending on the species.
Method for detecting early archaeocyte of quailCell Locomotion in Archaeocyte-dominant Cell Population (ADCP) Primmorph Culture of Marine SpongeEffect of Pluronic F68~⑧ on archaeocyte purification and culture of demosponge Hymeniacidon perlevisBiofabrcation of sillca spicules in archaeocyte-dominant primmorph culture of Hymeniacidon perlevePrimmorphs from archaeocytes‐dominant cell population of the sponge hymeniacidon perleve: improved cell proliferation and spiculoge...Silica Spicule Dvevlopment in in vitro culture of Archaeocyte-Dominant Primmorphs of Marine Hymeniacidon perleveUltrastructural study of differentiation processes during aggregation of purified sponge archaeocytesCell Locomotion in Archaeocyte-dominant Cell Population (ADCP) Primmorph Culture of Marine Sponge Hymeniacidon Perlevis繁茂膜海绵原...Biofabrcation of sillca spicules in archaeocyte-dominant primmorph culture of Hymeniacidon perleve; 繁茂膜海绵原细胞培养过程中硅制骨...Silica Spicule Dvevlopment in in vitro culture of Archaeocyte-Dominant Primmorphs of Marine Hymeniacidon perleve; 繁茂膜海绵原细胞富...