英 [ˈflaʊndə(r)]
美 [ˈflaʊndɚ]
flounder[ 'flaundə ]
- n.
- flesh of any of various American and European flatfish
- any of various European and non-European marine flatfish
- v.
- walk with great difficulty
- behave awkwardly; have difficulties
"She is floundering in college"
- walk with great difficulty
- His flounder in pain and sufferings dying.
他挣扎着在痛苦中死去。 - They have to flounder in a morassof contradictions.
- She could only flounder in the water.
她只能慌乱地在水里挣扎。 - They have to flounder in a morassof contradictions.
- I consider a flounder to be flat.
我以为比目鱼是扁平的。 - We are glad that we live near the sea because we love to eat flounder.
我们非常高兴住在海边,因为我们非常爱吃比目鱼。 - Wild variegate flounder Verasper can be used as broodstocks through domestication in captivity.
Thyroid hormone induces metamorphosis of flounder larvae
A genetic linkage map of the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus.
Ice-binding structure and mechanism of an antifreeze protein from winter flounder
Abnormalities in the reproductive health of flounder Platichthys flesus exposed to effluent from a sewage treatment works
Use of defatted soybean meal as a substitute for fish meal in diets of Japanese flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus )
Molecular cloning, characterization, and expression of TNF cDNA and gene from Japanese flounder Paralychthys olivaceus.
The extent of oestrogenic contamination in the UK estuarine and marine environments--further surveys of flounder.
Isolation and characterization of pleurocidin, an antimicrobial peptide in the skin secretions of winter flounder.
Metabolism, food consumption and growth of plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa ) and flounder ( Platichthys flesus ) in relation to fish ...
Size and Age at Metamorphosis in Marine Fishes: An Analysis of Laboratory-Reared Winter Flounder (Pseudopleutonectes americanus) wit...
A genetic linkage map of the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus.
Ice-binding structure and mechanism of an antifreeze protein from winter flounder
Abnormalities in the reproductive health of flounder Platichthys flesus exposed to effluent from a sewage treatment works
Use of defatted soybean meal as a substitute for fish meal in diets of Japanese flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus )
Molecular cloning, characterization, and expression of TNF cDNA and gene from Japanese flounder Paralychthys olivaceus.
The extent of oestrogenic contamination in the UK estuarine and marine environments--further surveys of flounder.
Isolation and characterization of pleurocidin, an antimicrobial peptide in the skin secretions of winter flounder.
Metabolism, food consumption and growth of plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa ) and flounder ( Platichthys flesus ) in relation to fish ...
Size and Age at Metamorphosis in Marine Fishes: An Analysis of Laboratory-Reared Winter Flounder (Pseudopleutonectes americanus) wit...