

英 ['mɪsɪz]
美 ['mɪsɪz]


  • n.


  • v.


  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 未击中,未抓住,未达到; 未看见,未领会 … fail to hit, catch, see, understand, etc.
    2. vt. 未出席,未赶上; 未能利用,失掉 fail to be present at sth; arrive too late for sth; fail to take advantage of sth
    3. vt. 发现遗失 discover what is lost
    4. vt. 避免 avoid or escape from (sth unpleasant)
    5. vt. 想念,惦记 feel sorry or unhappy at the absence or loss of
    1. [C]错失,不中,未得 a failure to hit, catch, hold, etc., that which is aimed at
    2. [S]小姐 (a title placed before the name of) an unmarried woman or girl
    3. [S]女老师 a woman teacher
    4. [S]小妞,小姑娘 a girl whose size is between that of a child and a woman



    • n.
      • a young woman

        同义词:girlmissyyoung ladyyoung womanfille

      • a failure to hit (or meet or find etc)


      • a form of address for an unmarried woman
    • v.
      • fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind

        "I missed that remark"; "She missed his point"


      • feel or suffer from the lack of

        "He misses his mother"

      • fail to attend an event or activity

        "I missed the concert"; "He missed school for a week"

      • leave undone or leave out

        "How could I miss that typo?"; "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten"

        同义词:neglectpretermitomitdropleave outoverlookoverleap

      • fail to reach or get to

        "She missed her train"

      • be without

        "There is something missing in my jewellery box!"


      • fail to reach

        "The arrow missed the target"

      • be absent

        "The child had been missing for a week"

      • fail to experience

        "Fortunately, I missed the hurricane"




    用作动词 (v.)
    • miss a ball没接到球
    • miss a catch没接着球,接漏
    • miss a small detail错过一个细节
    • miss a word漏掉一个单词
    • miss an accident免于事故
    • miss an appointment失约
    • miss attendance未出席
    • miss fire枪炮打不响,俏皮话不好笑,得不到预想的效果
    • miss one's aim没达到目的
    • miss one's classes缺课
    • miss one's dinner吐饭
    • miss one's footing失足,踏空
    • miss one's hold松手
    • miss one's mark没打中目标,没达到原定的目的,失败
    • miss one's tip出岔子,没达到目的
    • miss one's way迷路
    • miss plant不发芽
    • miss school没有到校上课
    • miss stays船抢风失败
    • miss the ball未击中球
    • miss the boat错过机会
    • miss the bus失掉机会,遭受失败
    • miss the chance错过机会
    • miss the deadline错过截止日期
    • miss the farming season误农时
    • miss the goal未射中球门
    • miss the mark没打中目标
    • miss the notice没看到通知
    • miss the point不懂这点
    • miss the start of the movie错过了电影的开头
    • miss the target未打中目标
    • miss the train未赶上火车
    • never miss从未错过
    • seldom miss很少错过
    • miss accidentally偶尔错过
    • miss badly非常惦念
    • miss barely差一点击中
    • miss completely完全错过
    • miss coincidentally一致惋惜
    • miss dreadfully恐怕错过
    • miss narrowly差一点错过
    • miss possibly可能错过
    • miss seriously严重地错过
    • miss sorely极其想念
    • miss terribly非常惦念
    • miss tragically悲伤地错过
    • miss unavoidably不可避免地错过
    • miss out省略,遗漏,错过机会,不理睬(某人)
    • miss by差多少就成功做…
    用作名词 (n.)
    • feel the miss of sth感到有所失
    • give sth a miss避开某物,省去某物
    • lucky miss侥幸的逃脱,幸免于难
    • near miss接近击中
    • bread-and-butter miss天真无邪的小姑娘
    • elderly miss上了年纪的小姐
    • lovely young miss可爱的小姑娘
    • perky miss傲慢的姑娘
    • pert miss冒失的姑娘
    • saucy miss莽撞的姑娘
    • school misses女中学生
    • slim miss苗条女郎
    • M- Florida佛罗里达最佳小姐
    • M- Smith史密斯小姐


    miss you so much真的好想你

    miss out错过;遗漏;省略

    miss out on错过机会;错失了…

    miss white怀特小姐;白小姐

    near miss n. [计]相近差错;(炸弹)近距脱靶;(车辆)侥幸免撞

    miss grant格兰特小姐

    hit or miss不论成功与否;无计划的;漫不经心的

    miss the point没有抓住要领

    hit and miss碰巧的;偶然随意

    miss the boat错失良机

    miss the mark没打中目标;没达到目的

    little miss sunshine n. 阳光小美女(电影名称)



    1. Miss Williams can read and write French very well.
    1. I do miss the children. The house seems as silent as the tomb without them.
    1. It's the chance of a lifetime. You shouldn't miss it.
    2. He listened attentively so as not to miss a single word .


    Schiz bits: Misses, mysteries and hits
    Data transformations for eliminating conflict misses
    Data transformations for eliminating conflict misses
    Gambling Near-Misses Enhance Motivation to Gamble and Recruit Win-Related Brain Circuitry
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    Cache miss equations: an analytical representation of cache misses
    Single-incision technique misses the anatomical femoral anterior cruciate ligament insertion: a cadaver study
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    The human factor in cardiac surgery: errors and near misses in a high technology medical domain
    Organizational climate, staffing, and safety equipment as predictors of needlestick injuries and near-misses in hospital nurses.