[地名] [美国] 米苏拉;
- n.a university town in western Montana
Measuring quality of life for patients with terminal illness: the Missoula-VITAS quality of life index.The Lake Missoula Floods and the Channeled ScablandCataclysmic Late pleistocene flooding from glacial Lake Missoula: A reviewPaleohydrology and Sedimentology of Lake Missoula Flooding in Eastern WashingtonCase for periodic, colossal jökulhlaups from Pleistocene glacial Lake MissoulaMagnitudes and implications of peak discharges from glacial Lake MissoulaPaleohydrology and sedimentology of Lake Missoula flooding in Eastern Washington /Big Sky or Big Sprawl? Rural Gentrification and the Changing Cultural Landscape of Missoula, MontanaClass AA Boys Soccer: Missoula Hellgate, Sentinel Poised for Title ShowdownBreeding Biology Research & Monitoring Database