[地名] [美国] 鲍德尔;
Age-dependent Lidocaine Pharmacokinetics During Lumbar Peridural Anesthesia with Lidocaine Hydrocarbonate or Lidocaine Hydrochloride.Perioperative Management of Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: It鈥檚 Not Just About the MagnetA MULTICENTER TRIAL COMPARING THE SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF REMIFENTANIL AND FENTANYL IN ELECTIVE CABG SURGERY PATIENTSMonitoring of Neuromuscular Blockade Use Decreases Cost without Compromising Quality of Care.Injuries from Central Lines: A Closed Claims Analysis: [2002][A‐1124]ORNL researchers cultivate biomass energy programPREVENTION OF PREINDUCTION HYPOKALEMIA BY BETA-2 BLOCKADE.ADDITIONAL FUNCTION FNEW FOR USE WITH FOCAL ON A PDP8L COMPUTER AND A NUCLEAR DATA 50/50 ANALYZEREvangelism and ecumenísm in nineteenth century America : a study in the life and literature of Samuel Irenaeus Prime, 1812-1895 /The Spirit and the Mind