millimass unit 千分之一原子质量单位;
Method and apparatus for implementing hardware protection domains in a system with no memory management unit (MMU)Evaluation of Rhesus Rotavirus Vaccine (MMU 18006) in Infants and Young ChildrenStage-specific modulation of cortical neuronal development by Mmu-miR-134A novel microRNA mmu-miR-466h affects apoptosis regulation in mammalian cells.Downloaded from: http://e-space.mmu.ac.uk/620327/Crystal structure of an Hsp90–nucleotide–p23/Sba1 closed chaperone complexJones RL, Nzekwu MM. The effects of body mass index on lung volumesThe Mechanism of Hsp90 Regulation by the Protein Kinase-Specific Cochaperone p50 cdc37Investigations into the antibacterial behavior of copper nanoparticles against Escherichia coliDetection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae by enzyme ımmunoassay, culture, and three nucleic acid amplification t...