Traumatic neuroses in Vietnam returnees. A forgotten diagnosis?Posttraumatic stress disorder among military returnees from Afghanistan and Iraq.Theorising Return Migration: A Conceptual Approach to Returnees RevisitedThe Limits of Brain Circulation: Chinese Returnees and Technological Development in BeijingWar zone stress, personal resources, and PTSD in Persian Gulf War returnees.2009 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless PersonsNegotiating bilingual and bicultural identities: Japanese returnees betwixt two worlds.Narcotic use in southeast Asia and afterward. An interview study of 898 Vietnam returneesSexual and gender-based violence against refugees returnees and internally displaced persons. Guidelines for prevention and response.Mumbai disease in far western Nepal: HIV infection and syphilis among male migrant-returnees and non-migrants.