



  • v.

    用石,水泥等覆护( revet的现在分词 );

  • 英英释义

    revet[ ri'vet ]

    • v.
      • construct a revetment
      • face with a layer of stone or concrete or other supporting material so as to retain



    Trench wall revetting panel supports - have panel curved edges gripping side guide strips with hooked ends
    Evaluation of the quality of boulders for revetting reservoir slopes
    Hydraulic studies of grass carpets for revetting canals
    revetting faggot
    Protection of underwater slopes by self-placement of stone
    Disturbances of the downstream revetment of the votkinsk hydroelectric station that occurred during operation
    Hydroecology and river restoration: Ripe for research and synthesis
    A Feasible Post-Treatment of Drying and Rewetting for Preparation of High-Flux Pluronic F127/Polyethersulfone Nanofiltration Membranes
    Estuarine Fish Farming
    Study on Rewetting of Vertical-Hot-Thick Surface by a Falling Film (Investigation from the Aspect of Boiling Heat Transfer Character...