brain drain

《brain drain》怎以读

英 [brein drein]
美 [bren dren]

《brain drain》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 英英释义

    brain drain

    • n.depletion or loss of intellectual and technical personnel

    学习《brain drain》怎么用


    1. There is a major brain drain from China to other countries.
    2. They find it difficult to keep good staff because of the brain drain.


    Brain Drain and Economic Growth
    Brain drain and health professionals
    Brain drain and economic growth: theory and evidence
    Can a brain drain be good for growth in the source economy?
    The Metrics of the Physician Brain Drain
    The metrics of the physician brain drain
    The metrics of the physician brain drain.
    The metrics of the physician brain drain.
    Brain Drain and Human Capital Formation in Developing Countries: Winners and Losers*
    From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation: Transnational Communities and Regional Upgrading in India and China
    上一篇:brain death
    下一篇:brain fever