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Monetary policy shocks, Choleski identification, and DNK models ☆TÜRKÇE ÖĞRETMENİ ADAYLARININ ÖĞRETMENLİK MESLEĞİNE DÖNÜK ÖZ YETERLİK ALGILARIPotent antitumoral effects of targeted promoter-driven oncolytic adenovirus armed with Dm-dNK for breast cancer in vitro and in vivo.The History of DNA Sequencing / ISTORIJAT SEKVENCIRANJA DNKMorfologija i sekvence mitohondrijske DNK pokazuju da su Plecotus alpinus Kiefer & Veith, 2002 i Plecotus microdontus Spitzenberger,...Inlet manifold and methods for increasing gas dissociation and for PECVD of dielectric filmsModification of hough transform for circles and ellipses detection using a 2-dimensional arrayIntermediate syndrome in organophosphorus poisoning: a prospective study.Effect of Growth Parameters on the CVD of Boron Nitride and Phosphorus‐Doped Boron NitrideThe intermediate syndrome in organophosphate poisoning: presentation of a case and review of the literature.