《arriere voussure》怎以读
《arriere voussure》是什么意思
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ARRIÈRE-VOUSSURE, substantif féminin.Effet d'une alimentation riche en fruits et légumes sur les taux plasmatiques en antioxydants et des marqueurs des dommages oxydatifs[Present-day treatment of the principal cyanogenic heart diseases in infants. Transposition of the great vessels and tetralogy of Fa...[Results obtained in 10 years of corticoid therapy of acute articular rheumatism (1955-1964: 128 cases)][CLINICAL AND ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC STUDY OF A CASE OF GENERALIZED GLYCOGENOSIS WITH CARDIOMEGALY].[Does diphtheria still constitute a danger in Belgium?][Ausculation and phonocardiography in rheumatic fever][Marfan's syndrome.]Is Diphtheria Still a Danger in Belgium?[Weber-Christian disease. An atypical clinical observation]