- Trans is a composition for orchestra and tape by the German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen, written in 1971. It is Number 35 in the composer's catalog of works.
trans fat反式脂肪;转化脂肪
trans form[化]反式
New directions in cryptography, IEEE TransNearest neighbor pattern classification. IEEE Trans Inf Theory IT-13(1):21-27Training feedforward networks with the Marquardt algorithm. IEEE Trans Neural Netw 5:989-993Kemerer, C.F.: A metric suite for object oriented design. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 20(6), 476-493Bryant, R.E.: Graph-Based Algorithms for Boolean Function Manipulation. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(8), 677-691Hereditary differences in the expression of the human glutathione transferase active on trans-stilbene oxide are due to a gene delet...Correction to: "Space-time block codes from orthogonal designs'' [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 45 (1999), no. 5, 1456–1467; MR1699070...Soille, P.: Watersheds in digital spaces: an efficient algorithm based on immersion simulations. IEEE Trans. on PAMI 13(6), 583-598Murray, R.: Consensus Problems in Networks of Agents With Switching Topology and Time-Delays. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 49(9), 15...Geman, D.: Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distribution, and the Bayesian restoration of images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell...