英 ['ræpsəʊd]
美 ['ræpsoʊd]
- A rhapsode () or, in modern usage, rhapsodist, refers to a classical Greek professional performer of epic poetry in the fifth and fourth centuries BC (and perhaps earlier). Rhapsodes notably performed the epics of Homer (Iliad and Odyssey) but also the wisdom and catalogue poetry of Hesiod and the satires of Archilochus and others.
RhapsodeRhapsodeRhapsodeThe rhapsodeThe Hellenic rhapsodeRhapsode: système expert en archéologieAristotle and the modern rhapsodeLe Témoin et le Rhapsode ou Le Retour du ConteurBiblical Narrative and the Death of the RhapsodeThe Epic Rhapsode and His Craft - Homeric Performance in a Diachronic PerspectiveRhapsode Metaphor: Understanding the Student-Teacher Relationship in Philosophy for ChildrenTunnistaja ning rapsood ehk jutuvestja tagasitulek / Witness and Rhapsode or Return of StorytellerCORRELATIONS ENTRE CE QU'IL y A DE COLLECTIF ET D'INDIVIDUEL DANS LA CREATION D'UN RHAPSODE POPULAIRE