[人名] 罗姆;[地名] [美国] 罗姆;
RhOME : un'esperienza di bioarchitetturaRHOME: IL PROGETTO ITALIANO AL SOLAR DECATHLONRHOME: EL ELEMENTO FEMENINO EN LA FUNDACIÓN DE ROMAL’équipe Rhome remporte le Solar Decathlon Europe 2014!RhOME for denCity- Solar Decathlon\udEurope 2014, Versailles — Università\uddegli Studi Roma TreL’immagine si fa memoria: la mostra Rhome. Sguardi e memorie migrantiEnergy Performance and Thermal Comfort of a High Efficiency House: RhOME for denCity, Winner of Solar Decathlon Europe 2014Comfort analysis applied to the international standard “Active House”: The case of RhOME, the winning prototype of Solar Decathlon...Talcott JA, Whalen A, Clark J, Rieker PP, Finberg RHome antibiotic therapy for low-risk cancer patients with fever and neutropenia: ...Sustainability, Vol. 7, Pages 9681-9695: Energy Performance and Thermal Comfort of a High Efficiency House: RhOME for denCity, Winn...