突袭,袭击( foray的名词复数 );从事非本行的短暂尝试活动;
foray[ 'fɔrei ]
- n.
- a sudden short attack
- an initial attempt (especially outside your usual areas of competence)
"scientists' forays into politics"
- a sudden short attack
- v.
- steal goods; take as spoils
- briefly enter enemy territory
- steal goods; take as spoils
- They forayed into enemy territory.
- The officer sent a few of his men on a foray.
军官送了一些他的人去突袭。 - This is the company's first foray into the computer market.
Extraterritorial forays and male parental care in hooded warblers
Prolonged Nesting Forays by Common Mud Turtles (Kinosternon subrubrum)
Premigratory Autumn Foraging Forays in the Green Frog, Rana clamitans
Off-Territory Forays and Genetic Mating System of the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)
Extraterritorial forays are related to a male ornamental trait in the common yellowthroat
Nightingales in space: song and extra-territorial forays of radio tagged song birds
Studies Toward Diazonamide A: Initial Synthetic Forays Directed Toward the Originally Proposed Structure
The true structures of the vannusals, part 1: Initial forays into suspected structures and intelligence gathering.
Do male plumage and song characteristics influence female off-territory forays and paternity in the hooded warbler?
The effect of vegetation density on male mate guarding and extra-territorial forays in the yellow-breasted chat ( Icteria virens )
Prolonged Nesting Forays by Common Mud Turtles (Kinosternon subrubrum)
Premigratory Autumn Foraging Forays in the Green Frog, Rana clamitans
Off-Territory Forays and Genetic Mating System of the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)
Extraterritorial forays are related to a male ornamental trait in the common yellowthroat
Nightingales in space: song and extra-territorial forays of radio tagged song birds
Studies Toward Diazonamide A: Initial Synthetic Forays Directed Toward the Originally Proposed Structure
The true structures of the vannusals, part 1: Initial forays into suspected structures and intelligence gathering.
Do male plumage and song characteristics influence female off-territory forays and paternity in the hooded warbler?
The effect of vegetation density on male mate guarding and extra-territorial forays in the yellow-breasted chat ( Icteria virens )