修道生活,修行,庙宇( monkery的名词复数 );
Chapter 7: “Merlin’s Tower”YELTSIN PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY FUND AS A SOURCE FOR THE ORTHODOX HISTORY AND CULTURE RESEARCHSub-regional ecosystem variability in the Canary Current upwellingHabitat and Food Selection by Emperor Goose GoslingsHistamine levels in seventeen species of fresh and processed South African seafoodDemographic Consequences of Changed Pupping and Hauling Sites of the Hawaiian Monk SealCharacterisation of the discards generated by bottom trawling in the northwestern MediterraneanPhysical versus harvest-based measures of capacity: the case of the United Kingdom vessel capacity unit systemHarbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena L.) by-catch in set gillnets in the Celtic SeaNew Zealand sea lions Phocarctos hookeri and squid trawl fisheries: bycatch problems and management options