[地名] [刚果民主共和国、几内亚、乌干达、印度尼西亚] 多科;
TRANSPORTABLE SYSTEM FOR PRODUCING SOLAR ELECTRICITYVehicle active suspension system using skyhook adaptive neuro active force controlStability of fumonisins (FB1 and FB2) in solution.Incidence and levels of fumonisin contamination in maize genotypes grown in Europe and Africa.Stability of fumonisins (FBand FB) in solutionSurvey of fumonisin production by Fusarium isolated from cereals in Europe.Comparison of surgical treatments of gallstone ileus: preliminary reportPyrazole compound and medicinal composition containing the sameAdipose-derived stem cells for wound healing applicationsOccurrence of fumonisins Band Bin corn and corn‐based human foodstuffs in Italy