英 [ˈmɔnməθ(ʃiə)]
美 [ˈmɑnməθ]
- Monmouth is a constituency of the National Assembly for Wales. It elects one Assembly Member (AM) by the first past the post method of election.
Jankulak, Karen, Geoffrey of MonmouthA focus of Lyme disease in Monmouth County, New JerseyContribution à l'étude des sélaciens du Group Monmouth (Campanien-Maestrichtien) du New JerseyReview: The English Romance in Time: Transforming Motifs from Geoffrey of Monmouth to the Death of ShakespeareCEPHALOPODS FROM THE CRETACEOUS/TERTIARY BOUNDARY INTERVAL ON THE ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN, WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE HIGHEST AMMONITE...Tillage Impacts on Depth Distribution of Total and Particulate Organic Matter in Three Illinois SoilsHigh-speed imaging of edge turbulence in NSTXGradual mass extinction, species survivorship, and long-term environmental changes across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in high l...ChemInform Abstract: An Improved Li/LixCoO2 Rechargeable CellChemInform Abstract: Realizing the Commercial Potential of Hierarchical Zeolites: New Opportunities in Catalytic Cracking