- Dolls is a British short film written and directed by Susan Luciani, narrated by Charles Dance and starring Joanna Lumley and Denis Lawson. Broadcast on BBC and Sky TV, the film was officially selected to play in International film festivals in Los Angeles, Spain, San Francisco, Italy, Paris, Cyprus, Africa and Japan.
china dolls中国娃娃(女子歌唱组合)
DOLLSDOLLSChildren's use of anatomically detailed dolls to recount an eventAnatomically correct dolls: should they be used as the basis for expert testimony?Russian Dolls Bandwidth Constraints Model for Diff...Anatomically Detailed Dolls Do Not Facilitate Preschoolers' Reports of a Pediatric Examination Involving Genital TouchingInvestigative interviews of alleged sexual abuse victims with and without anatomical dollsExtending the capabilities of RMM: Russian Dolls and HypertextInterviewing young sexual abuse victims with anatomically correct dolls.Children's reactions to and memory for a stressful event: Influences of age, anatomical dolls, knowledge, and parental attachment.